COVID-19 Family Resource Line

If you have questions about our infection prevention program, visiting restrictions or other questions during this time, please call 952-855-5005. I look forward to helping you. Frequently asked Questions How can I connect with my… READ MORE

The Chihuahua Wagon

By Wendi Dressen Director of Volunteer Engagement When I say “Chihuahua”, you say “Wagon”.Chihuahua. Wagon. Chihuahua! Wagon! What is a Chihuahua Wagon and what does it have to do with volunteering at Cassia?  So glad… READ MORE

The Chihuahua Wagon

When I say “Chihuahua”, you say “Wagon”.Chihuahua. Wagon. Chihuahua! Wagon! By Wendi Dressen Director of Volunteer Engagement. What is a Chihuahua Wagon and what does it have to do with volunteering at Cassia?  So glad… READ MORE

O God Beyond All Praising

By Chaplain Nancy CarlsonVice President of Spiritual Care What are we to do in these uncertain times? We’ve seen the headlines, watched the news and perhaps been in contact with people around the world who… READ MORE

Doctor Fear is Latrophobia

Starting last week’s work searching for information about how, as seniors, some of us avoid going to the doctor, even when we perhaps need to the most, I stumbled onto the big word latrophobia. It… READ MORE

Doctor Fear is Latrophobia

The Cassia Life By Jesse Watkins, Cassia’s own resident blogger Starting last week’s work searching for information about how, as seniors, some of us avoid going to the doctor, even when we perhaps need to… READ MORE

Brenna Westerberg

Brenna is employed as a certified nursing assistant and trained medication assistant at Augustana Care Moose Lake Health and Rehabilitation. However, her title should be power-lifter. She has a solution-based way of solving problems that focuses… READ MORE