
Comprehensive Senior Living Campus Helps Low-Income Older Adults Thrive Without Leaving Home. Developed by the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA) in 2013, the community includes the Cora McCorvey Health and Wellness Center, Thomas T. Feeney… READ MORE

Students Live and Learn at Augustana Care

The initiative began with a partnership between the University of Minnesota and Augustana Care. “We continue to look for new ways to teach geriatrics,” says Dr. Edward Ratner, associate professor of medicine at the University… READ MORE


New and Novel Approaches We are pleased to share some special programs at Augustana Care that have been characterized by the media and others as unique. Our aim is to defy the stereotypes of aging… READ MORE

Meta Test Post Two

Bacon ipsum dolor amet porchetta shankle flank strip steak. Chislic pork loin drumstick, prosciutto ground round capicola rump kielbasa venison t-bone corned beef bacon landjaeger picanha. Corned beef pancetta beef ribs, spare ribs prosciutto buffalo… READ MORE

Meta Test Post

Bacon ipsum dolor amet porchetta shankle flank strip steak. Chislic pork loin drumstick, prosciutto ground round capicola rump kielbasa venison t-bone corned beef bacon landjaeger picanha. Corned beef pancetta beef ribs, spare ribs prosciutto buffalo… READ MORE